THANK YOU for your interest in VIVA GALLERY

Once you have filled out the form below, we will contact you! You can also find out more about VIVA by reading the information below.


We are a cooperative gallery and feature original artwork of artists who are residents of the Coulee/Kickapoo/Driftless region. There are three ways to apply to exhibit your work at our gallery.


VIVA Gallery is a cooperative of artists. You may ask to be juried in as a Working or Non-­‐working Member. In either case we ask that you actively participate in meetings and committee responsibilities.

WORKING MEMBERS are required to work about 2 days a month at the Gallery. Working Member dues are $20 per month and VIVA GALLERY takes a 10% commission on all sales.

NON WORKING MEMBERS dues are $30 a month and the commission on sales is 30%.


Each month VIVA Gallery features the work of a Guest Artist. The 1st Thursday of each month is the Opening Reception from 5 to 7pm As a guest artist, you incur no up‐front costs. Viva Gallery takes a 40% commission on any artwork that sells. Your art must be available and for sale during the featured month and we ask that you attend the First Thursday opening reception, from 5‐7 pm.


During the months of November and December VIVA Gallery features the work of many local artists. We especially look for items $100 and under that make great gifts. There is no up front cost to you as an artist; commission is 40% of all sold items. Please keep in mind that all work must be juried in and all work must be original in concept. See Guidelines for Artwork(attached) for more information. And you must live in the Coulee/Kickapoo/Driftless region. Now that you know a little more about out gallery, you may want to fill out the application below. Thanks again for your interest in our gallery. We will be in touch!

VIVA Gallery Guidelines for Artwork

1. ITEMS ACCEPTED: Fine Arts-­‐painting, drawing, sculpture and assemblage, collage, photography, prints of original art done by juried members and Fine Crafts-­‐ceramics, furniture, woodworking and carving, art clothing, jewelry, weaving, basketry.

2. The artist's work must be entirely original and reflect mastery of skills to produce fine art of high quality. Work should display an understanding of good design in shape, line, form, color and texture. Materials must be of a high quality and suited to the medium.

3. Prints of original art (including mats, glass, frames) are an extension of the work and should be considered as carefully as the paint, surface or camera filter used to create the original artwork.

4. All objects must be handmade by the juried member. Handmade objects are defined as those created with hand tools or hand-­‐directed machine tools. The "handmade" classification requires at least 20% of the perceived value to have "artistic content." Purchased or found items must be incorporated into the art work. Jewelry must be handmade by the artist, with the exception of manufactured chain which should be only a small part of the total work.

5. All work presented for display must be ready for sale and label and caption information must be sent to the Display Committee member in charge, including the name of the artist, title, medium and price. All work must be inventoried with title, medium, price and inventory number. VIVA inventory templates are available for artists to use.

6. Some items may be juried on an individual basis: These may include, but are not necessarily limited to knitting, crochet, dried plant material, ethnic or traditional crafts.

7. ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED: kits, preprinted fabric that is sold to be cut out and sewn together, cut bottles, unadulterated raw materials, unfinished work, manufactured items, bread dough sculpture, artificial/plastic flowers, items constructed of highly combustible and/or biological waste, or other hazardous materials that may present a danger to the gallery or its patrons.