Mike Lind

Current Work (Disappearing and Extinct Birds of North America):

In my current series. I paint intimate portraits of rare and extinct birds of North America like the Great Auk and Golden-Winged Warbler. Iā€™d like to think that I am contributing to the documented history of what we have lost and may continue to lose; while quietly reminding us the importance of reverence and conservation.


At the turn of the century, I received my BFA from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Instead of becoming a "fine artist", I decided to pursue a much more lucrative career as an organic vegetable farmer. 15 glorious years later, I retired from dirt farming and began work as a freelance graphic designer. In between times, I sketch and paint and explore the connections that I see between the humans and the natural world. 

Art & Graphic Design: 

I run a small one-person graphic design biz called Aspen Farm Studios, where I work with a handful of local small businesses and help them imaginatively showcase their ethos and brand. I try to keep this as creative a process as possible, and to exercise my creative muscles, I paint.


Christine Larson


Alena Mack